Episode 15: Kindness

Episode 15: Kindness

In this conversation, Warren and Jason discuss the topic of kindness. They emphasize the importance of having true friends who show kindness in difficult times. The conversation then delves into the enemies of kindness, including fatigue, disappointment, frustration, and perception. Then, Jason and Warren identify the three ways to be kind as offering kind words, kind deeds, and a kind ear. In the end, they highlight the importance of kindness in reflecting the love of God.

  • True friends show kindness in difficult times.
  • Fatigue, disappointment, frustration, and perception are enemies of kindness.
  • Approach every interaction with grace and love.
  • Kindness is a reflection of God's love. Self-care is not selfish, but a way to ensure one's own well-being in order to be healthy for others.
  • Kindness opens doors for God to enter people's lives.
  • Being kind does not mean being a doormat; it is possible to set boundaries and be assertive while still being kind.
  • The three ways to be kind are offering kind words, kind deeds, and a kind ear. Kindness is not always easy and may require accountability and correction.
  • The impact of our words and actions on others should be considered.
  • Active listening is an important aspect of kindness.
  • Consequences can play a role in teaching and guiding others towards kindness.
  • Kindness reflects the love of God.

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